Monday, December 26, 2011

Sacred Love - Seeking a Real, Sacred and Loving Relationship? Try This

!±8± Sacred Love - Seeking a Real, Sacred and Loving Relationship? Try This

My first relationship, like most young people experience, died with the melodrama of a Shakespearian play. The notes passed under the table at school, carvings of our initials on trees and that first sweet peck on the cheek were soon the only memories of what was, we thought, love forever.

Many such false starts happened after that. And by my 10th birthday it seemed like I would become a serial monogamist. Home was no Christmas party either. My step mother was the step mom from hell, alcoholic and violent. My poor Dad came home most nights to flying saucepans, cigarette burns on the new carpet and a totally burnt offering from the kitchen.

I, as most others do in such violent and unstable family environments that lack the warmth of love between parents, searched for role models to give me some hope that a warm heart, a soft touch and gentle words were not just a prelude to another beating or alcoholic stupor.

In those days TV was not what it is, but had it been, then my search would have been over early. I would have found Big Brother or some other reality TV show to give me access to someone that I could love, trust and devote my heart to, without backlash. Alas, there was no TV where we were. Books for a dyslexic kid provide little comfort, they take too long and the plot is always confusing. So, for me, reality was the solution.

I think I must have looked into the eyes of a thousand girls a day. Wondering if they were the one. Most laughed at this boyish silliness and went back to carving the names of their more senior boyfriend of the week or rock idol into the desktop. I played competitive sport trying to get my mind off the topic. That was a short lived diversion.

By 12 I met "the love of my life" and with a match head, carved her name into my forearm. We pashed allot, and talked about ever lasting love. And it did last for about 6 months before we grew tired of meeting after school, hiding under a willow tree and exchanging promises. Everyone else was pashing on or sneaking into one or the others unparented house for more serious petting.
This "love of my life" started seeing another boy. I went back to football and stealing cars. Life's like that. We adapt and, when peers make crying impossible we either take the rage out on someone else or ourselves. There are few other real options when home life lacks confidence and love between parents.

My Dad had lectured me on sex. And I feared it more than most other things in life. Even paraplegia seemed less dramatic and less punishable by that God the minister spoke of each compulsory Sunday morning Church service.

But it was at Church, while studying for my communion class that I met "farting Julie" she came from a wealthy home and mum and dad worked really hard so the house was a haven for after school meetings. Farting Julie was, sadly fat. And I guess to compensate or something, she was the "easy one" I got my first feel of that which encyclopedias, medical slides at scout education nights, a bit of porn handed down from senior classes and an accidental glimpse of my sister in the shower had thus far, done nothing to appease my total confusion.

Between the farts, the bad breath, and the confusion, I left with a not so rosy impression of what everyone else was so obsessed with getting more of. My football improved and my commitment to Dad, that I'd be a virgin until I married, became a sworn vow. I really didn't see what I was missing out on anyway, after that.

However, some days after, in the midst of some fantasy dream I woke with a damp glue that cemented my pajamas to my never regions. One exploration I found a new sport and, like most my age, threw myself into this unabashed. The creativity in finding places where I would not be discovered was incredible and would have made Picasso proud. However, the toilet was the all time backup and in some ways matched the shame that was attached to the whole exercise.

With renewed enthusiasm the whole girl thing took on new meaning. Sometimes on meeting a girl, there was a shift in my trousers and this was to be taken as a sign she was right. There were of course many miss rights, and like a cat chasing its tail, the whole realm of boy - girl love, sex, self happiness and spiritual bliss took a turn. Religion interfered with this path so, like a good red blooded citizen of Australia, I went to church and spent most of the time thinking about who would be willing and who wouldn't be willing at the next church social. "fat Julie " of course was the fall back, but even in Church her very stinky and audible rear exhaust made that a last ditch option. (which I often waited in the queue for as a last ditch face saver)

Puppy love rolled on until, at 17 I met Julie. She and I were perfect, sadly her parents were not of the same mindset and so, our true love affair was spent after dark, sneaking out of the house and meeting on frozen grass for a kiss and play. We even created a circle of social friends and went to concerts and things together. WE were perfect together, and of course, as expected her parents up and moved cities. We pledged love and loyalty and on the surface, long telephone calls seemed to fill the space.

Trust is a funny animal. Jealousy, suspicion and self doubt merge to cause a sort of fear based paranoia. Questions about her loyalty, her faithfulness and our pledge of everlasting love got to me. I started to doubt and in that simple shift, gave myself permission to be and do everything I feared shed do to me. I started to mellow in my commitment (I just didn't want to be hurt like I was in my first baby love) I didn't want to be broken hearted like I was with "the love of my life" and sexually, I had no way to separate possessing someone and loving them, the thought of her being treated as I treated "fat Julie" was unbearable.

In self defense, I didn't break the vow, but I did go to a party, and I did dance with a girl and I did hold her tight, and yes, ok, I did do the vertical mumbo with her on the dance floor and, well ok, we did kiss abit. But nothing else. In spite of my self proclaimed and unjustified innocence, Julie's sister was at the party and reported back home every morsel of what transpired. Julie was shattered and I was excommunicated from her life.

There is a story of a dog with a bone in its mouth standing on a pier looking down into the water and seeing another dog (its reflection) in the water. The other dog has a bigger bone, so the dog drops the bone it has and leaps into the water to get the bigger bone. Of course, it ends with nothing but a wet coat and a long swim.

Over the next few years while at University, I tried, firstly to replace Julie in my life and secondly to find someone that wouldn't, under their parents command, leave town. Allot of false starts, some beautiful people, but the bruises from the breakup with Julie hung like a cloud over every relationship that started. So, in a sense I went back to "fat Julie" dating girls who were available on some level, but not interested in "getting serious" (actually I think "fat Julie was interested in getting serious but gave up the lolly jar too quick)

Not long after I met my wife, and for the next years celebrated a great a loving relationship that ended, as it inevitably had to, in an acrimonious divorce.

History causes action. We react and respond to the past quite unconsciously in our daily life. WE plan the future based on our memories, wishing to avoid those things that hurt, wishing to embrace more of those things we loved. We develop a sort of personal religion, a moral code of who is worthy and who is not. What behavior we are willing to accept, and what behavior we will condemn and reject. We develop knowledge and experience and wisdom and with this bank of information, we approach love and relationship.

And here, with our own personal religion of acceptable and unacceptable we fall in love and in so doing, we create our own destiny. Thinking we know what is right, thinking that the fault lies in the other person, thinking that we are complete while others are faulted, thinking that we will find a lover who has none of the characteristics of our past loves we enter our future deluded, and hence, become another statistic on the path to marriage and divorce.

Blame. If you were to wipe one word, one experience, one intent from this earth that would cause you to celebrate love, real love for the whole of your life you would wipe the word blame from your heart. To say "you are at fault" is to imply that others in your life have caused your life. To imply that an alcoholic step mother, the death of my birth mother, the loss of my "first love" the "unfaithfulness" of my second and the ugly introduction to sexuality from "fat Julie" had anything to do with them is the great farce of life.

If you choose to live a farce, blame. If you choose to go into relationship half prepared, half in love, half committed then blame you past lovers for your experiences with them. If you choose to have break ups and heart breaks, hold tight to your "love religion" of who is worthy and who is not. But if you choose this path, please don't call it permanent, sustainable, sacred or profound. Call it a marriage, call it a relationship but please don't expect intimacy, sacredness or anything beyond.

Since the awakening I got from the breakdown of my marriage, I have spent every waking hour of my life, nearly 20 years exploring love, relationship and sacred truths. I have found therapies that condone victim hood, meditations that build personal religions, yoga classes run by Gurus who cannot love, I have found "happily married" plenum speakers who are internationally famous for their spiritual and self help teachings yet, whose sex life reads like a Hollywood movie script. It is not easy being you, and the teachings you'll get are mostly corrupted by economics. People pay to hear what they want to hear, not what they need.

Five years work, 20 years of research, 30 years of lies and self delusion in relationship. Because of my own ignorance and lack of a real awareness of what a Sacred Relationship involves I have hurt alot of people, not the least of which is myself and if by making a few notes, reflecting on some learnings I can help someone else not cause what I caused, then my life will have achieved a great purpose.

If you would like to read this book, please link to

With Spirit and love,

Sacred Love - Seeking a Real, Sacred and Loving Relationship? Try This

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Confidence Fitness 2-in-1 Elliptical Trainer with Seat

!±8± Confidence Fitness 2-in-1 Elliptical Trainer with Seat

Brand : Confidence Fitness | Rate : | Price : $139.99
Post Date : Dec 22, 2011 23:38:21 | Usually ships in 24 hours

The Elliptical machine Provides a total body (legs, hips, buttocks, arms & shoulders), low-impact, cardiovascular workout for all family members, regardless of ability level. This unit resembles a walking or jogging machine. Your feet move in a natural elliptical motion, providing a no-impact workout for less stress on the joints. As you walk, your hands grasp poles that move in conjunction with your leg motion. This results in a smooth, fluid movement that tones arms, chest, back, hips, legs, and glutei. Better than a treadmill! Burns 5 times more calories than walking. Adjustable resistance dial. Dimensions: Length-34", Width-24", Height-60". Highest quality construction that will last for years that is comparable with any of the major manufacturers at a fraction of their cost. Instruction manual and all necessary tools for easy home assembly are included. Full factory warranty. Weight: 65 lbs. Compare similar machines at 9 and up! Buy direct from the factory and save! customer comments: I just wanted to let the staff at golf outlets know that I love my elliptical bike. This particular bike is really a smooth ride and easy on the ankles, knees, hips and back. I've attached some before and after pictures so you can see what this machine did for me!!! A colleague of mine was so impressed at how fast i lost the weight he came over my house to see this machine that I'd been talking about, it took him all of 30 seconds of riding it before he asked me where he could purchase one! Andy - Levittown, NY.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Maximum Boost Circuit Workout 1

!±8± Maximum Boost Circuit Workout 1

Have a BALL with 'Maximum Boost Circuit Workout #1

Consult with a qualified health professional before beginning any programs

This circuit is designed to introduce:

Diaphragmatic/natural breathing to increase oxygen consumption during exercise,

Postural Alignment-bring about body awareness from the crown of your skull to the sole of your feet,

Stabilization: Focus on muscles that assist in the performance of an exercise by steadying the joint or limb being moved, but not increasing the force being applied.

Neuromuscular activation- Stimulate muscular hypertrophy and increase neural drive to the muscle fibers. These exercises assists in reprogramming the brain -nerves-muscle connection- in activating muscles automatically.

Self-efficacy: Direct understanding of the benefits from correct strength and conditioning training progression. Deepening our motivation, improves confidence and accept lifestyle change.

Most importantly safely bring challenge and enjoyment back to your workout!

Correct breathing begins with using the predominant muscle for this function- the diaphragm (below our rib cage). By inhaling deeply and consciously expanding our lower abdomen,.. we can relearn how to breathe naturally. Our diaphragm and deep abdominal transverse muscle will gradually release the tension from our upper extremities and bring about better posture plus increase the consumption of rich oxygen through our cardiorespiratory system.

Breathe through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Next, perform each exercise slowly and controlled. Be mindful of correct form, start from the feet on upwards. Check alignment with all joints- let gravity bring your elbows down and release the tension in your shoulders.

Reminder about 'Neutral Spine':

The spine has two natural curves: one at the neck, and another at the low back. If you lie on your back with both knees bent and feet flat on the surface you are lying on, you should have a small space about two fingers width between your back and the surface.

Maximum Boost Circuit Workout #1 Targets the Following-

Stabilization of joints: Spine, Clavicle & Scapulae, Shoulders, Elbows, Wrists, Hips, Knees, Ankles.

Muscular conditioning and strengthening of deep core, stabilizer, and major muscles-

Upper body-

Neck (Sternocleidomastoid),Shoulders (Anterior Lateral Posterior)

Chest (Pectoralis Major, Pectarolis Minor ,Serratus Anterior), Back (Latissimus Dorsi & Teres Major Trapezius Upper Middle Lower, Rhomboids)
Biceps (Biceps Brachii Brachialis), Triceps (Triceps Brachii)
Deep Core Muscles-

Diaphragm, Transverse Abdominus, Internal Obliques, Quadratus Lumborum , Erector Spineas

(Iliopsoas, Rectus Femoris, Tensor Fasciae Latae, Pectineus, Adductors and Abductors, Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Minimus, Quadriceps)

(Gastrocnemius,Soleus, Tibialis Anterior)
For detailed step by step instructions please email me at

Intensity- beginner to intermediate

Frequency: 3x weeks

Duration: 20-25 Minutes

5 minutes -Warmup and Cool Down (Dynamic/Stretches/SMR foam roller)

Warm up is any activity that increases your heart rate:

Duration 3-5 minutes

Types: Dynamic Warm-ups, Cardio Equipment (treadmill), speed walking to your session

Stretches: Pre/Post workout- Hold for 10-30 seconds

Lower back, Torso twist, hamstrings, quadriceps, adductors and abductors. chest, shoulders.

Equipment: SB=Stability ball, MB= Medicine Ball, DB= Dumbbells

Add instability and more resistance to increase intensity:

1a) SB-Squats with MB chest press (when legs are parallel to ground press) Set 3 Repititions 8-12

1a) Lateral Squat with MB chest press ( chest press when leg is parallel to ground) Sets 3 Repititions 6-10 each side

2a) Forward Lunge and Twist with MB. (exhale on twist) Sets 3 Reps 6-10 each side

3a) SB-Pronated DB Rows & Alternate (palms face in) Sets 3 Repititions 8-12 Progression--5x Double Rows 3x Alternates 4x Double Rows

4a) SB- DB Press-Alternate Press- Progression 5 xDouble Press 3x Alternates 4x Double Press & Walk Out to Decline Push-ups- Progressions 8x thighs, 6x shins, 8x toes.
Rest 30-60 seconds between circuits

1b) SB- Abdominal Crunch Sets 3 Repetitions 15-25

1b) SB-Russian Twist with MB Walk yourself out until ankles underneath knees -hips/legs parallel with floor-(table top)-Place (2kg) MB in your palms together, extend straight out from chest- keep at chest height. Rotate your shoulders to the right side. Your hips should stay rigid and your palms should move a complete 90 degrees. Inhale in center / exhale as while twisting. Sets 3 Repetitions 8-12 each side

2b) SB Bridge Ups- Knee flexion + hip extensions. Sets 3 Repetitions 10-15

3b) SB-Ball Lifts (hold SB btw ankles)- (hold MB with hands- touch both balls above waist and bring down to 1 inch from floor) Inhale at start position, exhale while lifting till balls are above waist - tap and bring back down. Sets 3 Repetitions 8-12

3b) Arnold's Curl & Press Split Squat. Sets 3 Repetitions 6-8 each side

This is intended to compliment your current training program, can also be a plateau buster or can be a excellent start to a new training program. Developing proper and balanced exercise progression habits in the early stages will lead to long term results.

Lastly, nutrition in combination with a strength and conditioning program is the most effective way to turn your body into a fat burning machine. It is the most productive form of exercise for functional daily life activities and overall health.

Maximum Boost Circuit Workout 1

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Quick Kettlebell Combos for Fat Loss and Conditioning

!±8± Quick Kettlebell Combos for Fat Loss and Conditioning

Do you ever feel like you have no time to for your workout? You may think that in order to get a decent workout you need to spend hours in the gym doing multiple sets of curls and bench press, of course followed up by thirty to forty minutes of cardio. Well, fortunately you don't need to spend hours in the gym blasting your biceps and chest or forty minutes on the elliptical, unless of course you want to. All you need is 15-30 minutes and a Kettlebell three times a week done in the comfort of your home. If your goal is to get yourself and keep yourself in great shape, build some lean muscle and lose some fat, the program I'm about to show you could be perfect for your hectic lifestyle.

The following are some sample time- saver workouts that can be performed with one or two kettlebells . If you have never trained with Kettlebells, you will have to be brought up to speed with your technique. I recommend you watch the Russian Kettlebell Challenge DVD by Pavel Tsatsouline, or look up an RKC in your area by logging on to You could also log on to our web site, and watch our sample training videos. It will be well worth your time and money for a few hours of professional instruction. This can save you from potential injury as well as expensive gym memberships. Of course before engaging in any type of training of this nature you should first consult a physician. And, before training with kettlebells, there are certain safety concerns you must consider. Always master the swing before moving on to any other drill. By mastering the swing, you are assuring that your body is in proper alignment during all other kb exercises. Proper body tension, breathing, use of hip snap and locking of the knees are crucial. The swing is the foundation of all other exercises to follow and should be practiced consistently. It is included in the dynamic warm-up out lined in this article.

I will give you four different workouts: 1 KB workout A and B, and 2 KB workout A and B. 1KB workout A and B are done with one Kettlebell. Workout A will be more for a beginner, workout B more advanced. 2 KB workout A and B are performed with two kettlebells, with workout A being the lesser of the evil. Each training session begins with a warm up. The dynamic kb warm up will be described below. Another effective warm up of choice would be jump rope. The goal of the warm-up is to raise the heart rate and core temperature of the body, increasing mobility of muscles and joints in order to prepare for rigorous work.

Each session begins with a full body drill preceded by an upper body drill, a lower body, another upper body, and finishing with abs and low back. This is done in order to let your body recover in some areas while other areas are being worked. Train smart, never train to muscle failure while using kettlebells, this may compromise form and cause potential injury. If you feel your technique starting to fade, stop what you are doing and put down the bell.

Thirty seconds should be spent at each station with a one minute rest between stations unless you are in decent shape, then take 45 sec. rest and progress down to 30 sec. then eventually to 15 sec. rest between stations. Work up to three rounds with a 2 min. recovery between rounds. You may not need the full 2 min. if you are in decent shape. Eventually you will want to get through all three rounds with a 30 sec. rest between each round. These workouts are designed for those who already have some kb experience and have completely mastered the kb swing, as well as the breathing and tension techniques outlined in the Russian Kettlebell Challenge. Make sure to log your workouts so you know exactly what you have done and can chart progress.

1 KB Workout A

Dynamic kb warm up

Two hand bottoms up thruster

1 arm row

Tactical lunge

Cry Baby


1 KB Workout B

Dynamic kb warm up

Pull/catch/squat/press combo

Modified renegade row

Duck unders @ chest high

Kb push up


Of course by now you have mastered all of the crucial techniques involved with kb training. You are proficient with your swings (1 hand and 2 hands); you have mastered the clean, double clean and are comfortable in the rack position. Once you have built up a pretty good strength and conditioning base through workouts A and B, and have mastered all of these techniques, it is now time to blast your body with double kb drills. Here are two different workouts that can be done using the same work and rest format as you did with the single kb drills.

2 KB Workout A

Dynamic warm-up

Clean/ front squat

Kb pushup

Double kb swing

Bent over row

Cry babies

2 KB Workout B

Dynamic warm-up


Renegade row

Double high pull

Turkish half-ups 5/5


Below is a list of exercises included in the kb dynamic warm up. This is an efficient way of preparing you for the kb workouts. This warm up also helps teach you to stay tight in the abs, low back and glutes. It is crucial to stay tight in these areas in order to execute the lifts safely and efficiently.

Do two to three rounds of:

Halos: 10 each way

Hot Potato: 10 each hand

Hand to hand pass: 10 each way

Low hand to hand pass: 10 each way

Figure 8: 10 each way

One hand swing: 10 each hand

So there you have it, four different workouts progressing from less evil to more evil that can be done within a thirty minute time span. Enjoy!

Quick Kettlebell Combos for Fat Loss and Conditioning

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Friday, December 2, 2011

The Space Save Model Of Ellipticals

!±8± The Space Save Model Of Ellipticals

The majority elliptical machines in the market today host superior features that could provide the best workout experience in our lives. Since these machines tend to be huge and quite large for any room in the house or gym, finding a place for it can be quite a tiresome task. But now, companies are now releasing newer model that not only gives you with all the features you need at a smaller package than usual - the fold up ellipticals.

One of the most accepted folding ellipticals is the Smooth 5.25 that has been known of vast reviews time and again and is surely best value for money, and maybe there is no other folding ellipticals in this price range to beat it. It offers with a better and high end technology features, and the price you are paying for it is low.

Fold up ellipticals are machines that is adjustable to incline to house a more rigorous workout as well as a feature to easily fold the machine up to save space. These machines were quite limited during the beginning of elliptical fitness technology, but as times pass, manufacturers are now targeting the realistic side in which consumers are now basing their purchases.

One of the features that show up with this folding elliptical is that the Smooth 5.25 can take the best and advance them further and there are also many upgrades that are available which means that you get superb without having to give up affordability which is why it position among the top ten budget ellipticals. Even when you are screening different folding ellipticals reviews, the Smooth 5.25 stands out as being the most well-liked treadmill on offer. Based on one reviewer of this folding elliptical, it can be set up easily and connected and will allow you to sweat out as many as thirty minutes of workout, and you will starts to be in love with once you get into the schedule of using the Smooth 5.25, and it is very quiet in its operations and is of health club standards.

The fold up ellipticals only has one benefit: save space. Often, elliptical machines are quite huge which requires a fair amount of space in your room. We always dispute over the fact that we could never have too much space in particular when our machine is sharing the room with you, yet we don't want to take away of them since that would beat the purpose of the convenience of having them around than going to the gym for it.

Fold up ellipticals solves these problems easily by the simple means of folding up the machine when you are not using it. Not only can you move these machines in a corner or in a closet when you're finished, you can also use the extra space to cater to some other activities that you have in mind.

Before, fold up ellipticals state only on the space-saving feature, and less on the by and large functionality of the machine. But not now, the brand like Precor have crop up with ways in which to mix high-end high-performance features with fold up ellipticals.

It was rather costly to buy these machines before since space-saving feature has fairly a demand in the open market. But thanks to the advent of technology, and some very creative designs, you can have your money's worth in buying the fold up ellipticals with enough features to please your fitness needs.

Before read-through of various elliptical trainer reviews, you need to first consider what are the factors that will be applicable in rating various elliptical trainers. Since these reviews are more often than not experiences from various consumers of the product around the globe, each one are full of information about the product as well as their first-hand experience from using it.

So before choosing some bulky elliptical machine that is quite bulky for your own home, you might think of browsing around with some of the newer fold up ellipticals that are existing in any fitness shops today.

The Smooth 5.25 folding elliptical also disperse of giving you the rocking and swaying motions that are familiar amongst the cheaper folding ellipticals since it is heavy weight, thus providing enhanced stability as well as safety. With these, and many more features it is not unexpected that most people choose this make for their folding ellipticals over all others.

The Space Save Model Of Ellipticals

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